What is Retirement Safeguard?

Retirement SafeGuard is best described as a combination of strategies all designed with the idea of keeping your retirement safe. As you reach the point of beginning think that you may retire, it is essential to make certain you do not take any unnecessary risks. Building a retirement and keeping a retirement are not a different as you might think. Imagine if you had never lost any of your 401k or IRA over the past 15 years.  Imagine building a retirement that's both safe and consistent, guaranteeing you a reliable income when you decide to stop working. This can be accomplished. Safety and protection can be, should be a part of your planning as you head into your retirement years.

Ready To Secure Your Retirement?

Retirement Safeguard

  • Capital Preservation

    You’ve worked hard to create your retirement savings. Keeping it safe becomes even more important the closer you get to retirement.  There are many factors that can impact your retirement nest egg. Market declines, inflation, taxes, health care costs, and unexpected expenses can all take a major toll on your savings.

  • Lock In Your Gains

    Our clients using this strategy did not lose a penny during the market crash of 2008-2009. Not one. Principal is guaranteed while you enjoy returns from index performance, and eliminate the downside risk.

  • Guaranteed Income

     Creating a reliable income stream to last throughout your retirement is also Key.  Many retirees worry about outliving their money.  Depending on each individuals needs and assets, guaranteed income can be achieved that will last a lifetime.  Retirement is to be enjoyed and having a steady income is Key to creating a retirement lifestyle you desire. 

  • Tax Efficiency

    How can I avoid all of these potential taxes after I stop working?  What about Social Security?  When should I take my benefits?  All are great questions.  Each individual’s financial is different. Description goes here

  • Peace of Mind

    By creating sound strategies and employing safe investment options, retirees can in fact enjoy Peace of Mind.  Safety, Guarantees, Income you cannot outlive with a tax strategy in place and even options that can cover unexpected health changes. Description goes here

Plan For Your Retirement

When it comes to securing a retirement income plan, partnering with a reputable financial group like Newman Financial Group and utilizing tools like Retirement SafeGuard can make all the difference. These key players in the financial industry offer expertise and resources that are essential for building a solid retirement strategy.

Newman Financial Group brings years of experience and knowledge to the table, guiding clients towards smart investment decisions and tailored financial plans. By leveraging their services, individuals can take proactive steps towards securing their financial future.

Additionally, Retirement SafeGuard provides valuable tools and insights to help individuals navigate the complexities of retirement planning. From risk assessment to asset allocation strategies, this resource equips individuals with the necessary information to make informed choices about their retirement income.

By combining the expertise of Newman Financial Group with the resources offered by Retirement SafeGuard, individuals can take proactive steps towards securing a stable and reliable retirement income plan. Don't leave your financial future to chance - partner with trusted professionals who can help you achieve your retirement goals.